The Semantic Filter For Social Media Moderation

by Russ Ward (@russcward)


While working on Facebook (FB) pages for pharmaceutical companies in early 2010, the problem of open and uncontrolled user generated content on a FB Wall became very apparent to Zemoga.  Our initial solution for this problem was to turn off public access to the wall and add a new shout tab that users could submit posts to that were then reviewed before being approved and finally posted.

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Top Five: Go-To Websites

by Briana Campbell (@MsMatchGirl)

When From Bogota With Love first started, the Z-team made a point of sharing their inspiration with you, be it books, websites or music that was pushing the innovation and creative process forward. We’d like to pick that up again.

For the next several weeks, my fellow Zemogians and I will be sharing our Top Five. The series starts with our Top Five Go-To Websites.

I’ll go first.

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What Will It Take to Wake Publishing’s Sleeping Dinosaur?

by Jennifer Puglisi (@jenpugs)

When I think about the book publishing industry, I usually picture a tired, yawning dinosaur: powerful, but sleepy.  The industry is in a position to create meaningful change to the ways readers interact with authors and their work, but have only recently begun to embrace the digital technology that makes these changes possible.

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Blast From Zee Past

Every now and then we like to walk down memory lane, looking at some of the fun times that the Z-team has enjoyed together.

This photo is from one of the NYC office’s memorable parties – our holiday party at Arlene’s Grocery, in the Lower East Side of Manhattan, in 2009. Alejo and Pardo can really carry a tune! Too bad there’s no video to share with you!


¡Feliz Cumpleaños, Alejo!

Monday was the birthday of Zemoga’s President, Alejandro Gomez. Here’s a lovely video the Z-team made for him. It’s in Spanish, but whether you speak it or not, you’ll definitely feel the love!


Farewell, Young Will!

by Will Robertson (@Willr123)

Though this marks the end of my second summer interning with Zemoga, it has been no less of an educational experience for me. Between the new office, the greater number of fellow interns, and the larger projects coming through Zemoga’s door, this year has certainly been a unique experience. Whereas last year I learned more about the workings of a small company, whereas this year I learned a bit more about the specific skills required by a workplace such as ours. However, not everything is different. Just like last year, I am ending my internship with the same sense of having accomplished much during my time here, and with a confidence that I will have a greater capacity to succeed both at school and in future employment with what I’ve learned.

For his thoughts on last summer, see this post.


A Good Defense Is The Best Defense

by Daniel V. Licht (@thedvl)

The art of self-defense should be taught to all designers.

All of them.

Everyone is out to get you …


No one likes your work. It’s crap. They all know it, even the nice ones (they’re just lying to you).

SHHHHhhhhhhhh …

Come closer, I have a secret to tell you.

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