DJ’s Personal Lessons From a Decade of Digital

By Sven Larsen (@svenplarsen)

As we noted in our last post, Zemoga has been around for a better part of a decade. We’ve learned a lot as a company in that time. And our beloved CEO, DJ Edgerton has learned a number of individual lessons. So in the spirit of Friday Fun he thought he would tell you a little bit more about the knowledge he’s picked up over the last few years:

How to Eat a Fish in One Bite


How to Accept an Award Gracefully


How to Party Like a Rockstar


How to "Nail a Guy"


How Not to Take Any Bull


How to Look Dignified After All That

Check out our photostream on Flickr to see more fun photos of DJ and the rest of the Zemoga team


Blast From Holiday Parties Past!

A little Holiday cheer from our 2009 (Can you believe it was so long ago!?!?) year end shin-dig!

Want to walk a little further down memory lane? Check out more photos on Flickr.


Halloween – Zemogafied

We’ll be posting photos later from this year’s Halloween festivities in the Bogotá office, but while you wait, take a loot back at the creativity that last year brought! Read more


The Z-Team Takes Social Media Week

Well, Bogotá anyway…

Here are a few photos, by Zemoga’s own Rodrigo Bernal, of the Z-team enjoying the week.

Ferro, DJ, Alejo and Pardo enjoy Miller Beer O'Clock at SMWBOG

Read more


Blast From Zee Past

Every now and then we like to walk down memory lane, looking at some of the fun times that the Z-team has enjoyed together.

This photo is from one of the NYC office’s memorable parties – our holiday party at Arlene’s Grocery, in the Lower East Side of Manhattan, in 2009. Alejo and Pardo can really carry a tune! Too bad there’s no video to share with you!